Pumpkin Soup Recipe

A simple soup utilising the flesh and pulp removed from a pumpkin during the carving process jazzed up a bit with the addition of amaretti biscuits, fresh sage and parmesan cheese. A real winter warmer!

Serves 4 as a starter

  • 125g Unsalted butter
  • 400g Onion (1)
  • 20g Garlic (3 cloves)
  • 1,100g Pumpkin flesh/pulp (from 1 large pumpkin)
  • 1L Milk 40g
  • Amaretti biscuits
  • 12 Fresh sage leaves
  • 60g Parmesan

Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Roughly chop the onion and garlic and add to the pan. Sweat over a low heat until soft and translucent.

Add the pumpkin and increase the heat. Cook for approximately 5 minutes or until all the juice has evaporated and the pumpkin starts roasting.

Add the milk, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 – 10 minutes until all ingredients are soft. Transfer to a liquidiser and blend until smooth. Pass through a fine sieve. Season to taste with sea salt, freshly milled black pepper, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar.

Ladle into warm soup bowls and add crushed amaretti biscuits, freshly chopped sage and finely grated parmesan over the top of the soup.

Serve immediately.