
Visit Jersey Safely

Jersey is open for visitors and as part of the UK’s Common Travel Area we are a Green destination and ready to welcome you. This means that:

  • Testing and isolation requirements will be based on passenger vaccination status
  • Passengers who are fully vaccinated will only be required to have one FREE PCR test on arrival and will not be required to isolate while waiting for the result
  • Passengers who are not fully vaccinated will be required to be tested on arrival and will need to isolate until their first negative test result (usually within 12 hours)
  • Children aged 11-17 will be required to be tested on arrival and will need to isolate until their first negative result
  • Children aged 10 and under will not be required to complete a pre-departure registration form, undergo testing on arrival or be required to isolate
  • Enhanced testing and isolation will remain for passengers who have visited very high-risk countries (those subject to the UK Government International restricted list) in the 10 days prior to arrival, regardless of vaccination status
  • Passengers who do not wish to participate in the testing programme will be required to isolate for 14 days.

Before Departure

Visit Safe

  • If you do need to isolate on arrival in Jersey you can do so in your hotel room. You can check in as usual, face masks are strongly recommended but not compulsory, go straight to your room and our full room service menu will be available to you during your isolation
  • It is currently mandatory in Jersey for everyone over the age of 12 to wear a mask in public places except when seated at a table.

Returning to the UK

There are no restrictions upon returning to the UK or other parts of the Common Travel Area (CTA) from Jersey, unless visitors have travelled to (or through) a non-CTA destination within the past 10 days. In this case, you will be required to complete the UK Government passenger locator form online before you travel back to the UK. You can submit the form any time in the 48 hours before you arrive back into the UK from Jersey. More information here.

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